Day 32 - A à B 🛣️

A to B 🛣️.... Today was just a fill in day, an A to B day. About 90 miles to get us south and in a position to do our next (semi) planned series of stops & sights. The day started good, only I minor detor sent us  further into the national park which ment we had to  cut across the corner and met up with the original road a bit further south.

We had the usual 'moments' we've gotten used to by now; narrow bits, unmanned crossings and 'close encounter of the wagon kind' , for this park at least, 'loggers'.
But nice parks always give way to urban life eventually and once we emerged from the park we need a place to stop for lunch. We found a nice  stop by a picnic area next to a small lake just out side the town of  Tulle. 
"Its spitting ! We need to try and do something about the leak really, sorry 😞"
We needed a supermarket, a 'Intermarché'.
The problem with Tulle is that its based at the bottom of a valley and the little roads twist and turn up both sides then criss cross on narrow bridges. In other words is a rats nest !
      By now it was driving rain and we were both watching this way and that as we struggled to find the supermarket . While Jill stayed in the van and collected the drips from the roof I went foraging for bits to cobble something together. A4 plastic folders, a pack of plastic cups (100mm diameter), bathroom sealant, heavy duty scissors, a 1lt smooth sided plastic bottle of tonic water and  even a pack of preserving jar rubber gaskets (again 100mm diameter hole) made up the shopping basket together with 2 apple tarts for pudding after tea 😋. The rain was now 'bouncing' 😩
 Our destination was Tauriac on the Dordogne river.
The road was like black glass as so much rain was coming down it didn't have time to run off and clear away.

Eventually the rain eased off, just as we got to our site for the night. Another CampingCar-Park site, 67 pitches and there was only 2 vans on it. Next to a small lake with a mini waterpark and a cafe, in the summer this is probably a very popular site. Again, even sites belonging to the same organisation, have different 'quirks'. On this one, every pitch had a concrete pad you could either use to put your van on or set up your table and chairs on.
Overlooking the river, we settled in for the night. Plastic sheet was cut up and shoved in the roof vent hole to divert the rain, which stopped as it got closer to sunset. The birds started tweeting, the ducks came out and mist formed, if only for a short while, over the river in the sunshine. It was all very tranquil, peaceful and..... time for a drink. Time to try some local cider 😉

(......turn your sound up to listen to the birdie's )


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