Day 39 - va à l'ouest jeune homme 🧒
'Go west young man'...🧒
Today the plan was to turn left and head west, only a short hop, to get us in visiting distance of a fairly large medieval town. We needed milk as the heat was starting to have its effects even tho the fridge was doing a marvellous job of keeping the beer and the essentials cold.
Essentials such as hard boiled eggs. We had six of them, 🥚 prepared the night before despite the heat and having to fire up the stove. Jill does like a hard boiled egg with her breakfast in the morning 🤗.
The 'cooking ceremony' is akin to the Japanese Tea ceremony and the eggs, once boiled for exactly 10 minutes are either placed in cold running water to cool
or placed back in the box and straight into the fridge if water is in short demand.
"Where are the eggs?"..."In the fridge"..." No they're not 🤔"...."#### !".
After 15hrs in the freezer the eggs were hard enough to take out a Russian tank at 600 yards!
"Can you eat frozen eggs?"...."I don't know, ask Google".... Google said "Nooooo! They go like rubber and taste crap"...."Ok, we need milk and eggs".
Packing up and putting the chairs away thru the little hatch under one of the seats...... "What's wrong?"... " The ###### catch has broken again. 😡".... "Well if its any consolation I've just broke the catch on the bathroom door !". Karma says, "Everything comes in 3's, so that's our 3 for the day 😞"
After the supermarket stop for food and a 'diy' to try and get something to fix the catches it was a very uneventful day. Just farmers fields full of corn and slow windy roads to our next site at Loudon.
We arrived, parked up, set up and I settled down to a rather interesting cider I'd picked up at the supermarket, some paté and assorted nibbles.
At just after 6.30pm it happened. We were both sat at the table opposite each other. We definitely felt it but the drinks didn't 'wobble' and nothing fell of shelves or anything. It was like the whole van, all 3.5t of it was on a giant trampoline and somebody was bouncing it....b..,b..,b..,b.. is the best I can explain the timings, only 5 or 7 bounces. We looked at each other "Its not the wind on the canopy, it wouldn't move the van like that"...."Was that an earthquake 😮 ?
It was...our 1st !
The map is starting to look a bit like a pin cushion. After our next medieval town we will be heading even further north west and towards the sea. The heat is now uncomfortable walking around as there is no wind, so we need coastline, sea and gentle breezy'ness.
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