Day 3 - Piste de tracteur

Tractor trails 🫣
The day started ok; a nice breakfast watching the river Seine then Jill went for a walk while I attended to my janitorial duties. Dishes, sweep out the floor mats and empty the poo box. Sat nav programmed and off we set on a gentle 75mile, back road route, heading for Le Mans in a SWest'ily direction. Road works in the village 🙄, and the next, and the next. Obviously it was National 'Dig Up The Town Square' day so it was 'derivàtion' time (diversions). No problem, follow the signs...'oh no more signs 🤔'....'no problem, sat nav will recalculate'..... and it did !
      Now, I like the Chinese software on the sat nav, I have the same on the bike, but Jill is never too sure about it. It wasn't its fault really. Us stupid humans had left it set to fastest from the day before and it was only following orders. Fastest was 'off road', farmers tractor lanes, not a passing place in site, soft, sinky, sandy stuff on both sides. Adventure time 😅
For 5 miles we trundled along, never knowing what might be round the next bend. As it was we were lucky and didnt meet anything but it could have been a lot different. Sat nav set correctly to 'easy' mode, we soon were back on the little 'D' roads as they are in France (our B's) and mirandering past fields filled with bright yellow or green wheat crops, just heading in a general south'y direction by now.
In the distance was the 1st of several sections of  The Perche area of Normandy, extensive areas of beech and oak tree forests, thick, lush and green and probably full of things that want to eat you at night.
In and out of forests and fielded areas we trunded, hardly seeing any other traffic . The landscape was dotted here and there by water towers, standing like gigantic, discarded chess pieces, some doubling up as mobile phone masts, which spoilt it really. 
We were actually making good time even tho we had stopped for fuel, last bit of shopping and lunch so decide to change direction a little bit and push on into the Loire Valley.
In Morée we found a municiple campsite that was only a few euros more than the local 'camp for night carparkes' (Aires) which had all the facities and a nice clean toilet block with gallons of hot water so pulled in for the night. Beef sausage stir fry and a bottle of red sorted us for the night 😋


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